Английские кроссворды. Офис

Интересный кроссворд на английском языке


2. The written statement of an exchange of promises (договор)
7. Place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed (офис)
9. Someone who visits (посетитель)
10. Strongbox where valuables can be safely kept (сейф)

1. Paper cut to an appropriate size for writing letters; usually with matching envelopes (канцелярские принадлежности)
3. An assistant who handles clerical work for a boss (секретарь)
4. A machine for performing calculations automatically (компьютер)
5. A xerographic printer (ксерокс)
6. A machine that prints (принтер)
8. A set of related written records kept together (папка с документами)



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